{13bold} Library
The {13bold} Library is packed with handy books, tutorials, and articles to make your experience on OS X as enjoyable as possible.
Books and Manuals
Developing Themes for Bowtie
The definitive guide to developing themes for Bowtie. Covers up to version 1.5.
The Road to 2.0
A release announcement for Bowtie 1.4, and an explanation of the roadmap for the upcoming Bowtie 2.0 release.
Snafu: Code Signing with Background Tools
If you use a background tool in one of your apps, and plan on code signing it, you should read this.
The Fate of Bluebird
Whatever will become of our feathered Twitter client friend?
Announcing Bowcase for Bowtie
Bowtie 1.3 will now allow installing themes from a built-in repository. Find out more.
Bluebird 1.0 Beta 3 Now Available
Release information for Bluebird 1.0 Beta 3.
Themes for Bowtie: The Winners
A short write-up on the winners of the Bowtie Theme and Poetry contest.
Bowtie 1.0, and moreā¦
Release information for the 1.0's of multiple iterations of Bowtie.
{13bold}'s State of the Apps Address
An update on the status of our beloved applications Bluebird, Bowtie, and Colors.
Twitpocalypse Now: Dealing with "The Change"
What Bluebird's doing to fix issues caused by the Twitpocalypse.
Apple Push Notification Service: Why It's "Right"
A lot of people still have gripes about the Push Notification Service, and say apps should be able to run in the background. This is why they're wrong.
What's Coming in Bluebird 1.0 Beta 2
A short article on what to expect in the second beta of Bluebird 1.0.
Relaunching Your Application
Ever wanted to be able to restart your application from within your app? Look no further than this tutorial.
A New Theme Format for Bluebird
This document is a conversion guide for converting Bluebird themes designed for 1.0 Beta 1 to themes that will work with 1.0 Beta 1.1 and later.
Creating Bluebird Themes
The definitive guide on creating themes for Bluebird.
Adding a Titlebar Accessory View to a Window
This tutorial shows you how to add a custom view to the top right-hand corner of the window chrome, a la iCal.
Quick Tricks
Bouncing the Downloads Stack
This quick trick shows you how to bounce the Downloads stack when a new download completes — and it only takes one line of code!
Bouncing the Downloads Stack
This quick trick shows you how to bounce the Downloads stack when a new download completes — and it only takes one line of code!